A piece of History was created when a live stream from our Indoor Centre on a Friday night of our Premier League Team. Messages were received from all over Australia as the stream progressed. Most were impressed by our facilities. Below is an extract from our web site at the time and a link to the video.


Well done to all  members who  supported the Friday night (19 January)  Division 6 and Premier League games in the Indoor Centre

It was a great night with excellent bowls and four rink wins for Howrah Premier League ! A first in Premier League for our club.

Thank you to our volunteers for the barbecue and bar staffing. Thank you to Rosie, Lynne and John for the spinning gambling bit and overall we raised a significant amount of money!!!!

We had the Bowls Tasmania  President (Bernard Knight)  and CEO  (Rob McMullen) of  and the President of Bowls South (Peter Kirby ) in attendance who ran a stream of Rink 1 (Bill Butler Danny Neal David Prestage  and Matthrew Gregg) 

 If you missed the stream you can watch the match here. Click on timeline to kick start it