Social Media
BTS Social Media Policy - document created Nov 2024
Click here for FACEBOOK – Howrah Indoor Centre
Policy for the use of Social Media
The use of social media is increasingly a part of everyday online activities, particularly through mobile devices. Social media services such as wikis and blogs allow people to easily publish share and discuss content with local, national and global audiences.
Communication can be enhanced through the effective use of social media. Individuals and institutions can develop personal and professional online identities and networks to listen to and participate in relevant conversations.
Social media refers to online services, mobile applications and virtual communities that provide a way for people to connect and share user-generated content and to participate in conversation and information sharing.
A social network connects online identities who share digital media, interests, activities, backgrounds or real-life connections.
Digital media refers to text, graphic, audio, video and other content that is captured, uploaded and communicated online and through mobile devices.
A mobile application is a software program used on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers.
Expectations of Members
In using social media with other members of the Howrah Bowls Club in a respectful and inclusive manner please remember to:
protect your personal privacy and that of others by not including personal information about yourself or others in your posts to social media channels (for example, email addresses, private addresses or phone numbers, posting photos of individuals without permission)
members email addresses or other personal information can only utilised for appropriate purposes by the authorised person only e.g. Club Secretary
represent your own views and not impersonate or falsely represent any other person
use a respectful style of language that is not abusive and do not harass or threaten others
not make defamatory, racist or libellous comments
use language that is not considered obscene or offensive
Act lawfully (such as copyright compliance) when using social media
HBC Website
Information on the website should be updated regularly and be reflective of key current information and services within the club. Information on the website will only be added by the webmaster.