2023 Officials

Office Bearers 2022-23

The Howrah Bowls Club is administered by a Committee of Management

President: Stephen Foster 

Vice President (Men) Rex Lowe 

Vice President (Ladies) Barbara Rankin 

Treasurer John Birch 

Secretary/Public Officer Anne Mullavey

Assist Sec/Treasurer Andrew Eakin

Chair Green’s Sub Com Col Hewlett

Chair Marketing Cliff whitehead



Chairman of Selectors John Hadley

Saturday A Grade Rosie Geeves & Dick Davidson 

Saturday B Grade Keith Butterworth & Elaine Bennett 

Wednesday A Grade Brian Walker

Wednesday B Grade Vacant– 

Thursday A Grade Rosie Geeves  

Thursday B Grade Paula Hadley  

PATRONS – Alan Beardwood and Bernice Archer

PROVIDORE – Gaele Mizzen

Life Members

Max Webberly+, Ralph Mollross+, Harold Huxley+, Bernice Archer, Norah Reid+, Alan Beardwood,

Judy Wilson+, Jack Steele, Ian Cumine+ Mick Matthews, Paula Hadley, Dennis Lourey+

+ Deceased

ELECTION OF AUDITOR FOR 2022/23: The auditors are Bentleys Tasmania Audit Pty Ltd

The Club is an affiliated member of the Howrah Community Centre and has a representative on the Centre’s Board. The current member is: Steve Foster